Archive for the ‘Fishing Report’ Category

Cleaning the Lemno. Volunteers please!

Monday, March 12th, 2012

These bulletin blogs represent news about Finavon and the South Esk, and my views as a riparian owner. They are not the views of any other organisation, nor are they designed to promote the interests of any individual or organisation other than Finavon Castle Water and factors affecting the fishery.  Tony Andrews

I am flattered and pleased that so many people read these bulletin blogs, and I have been wondering whether there is any way I can use your interest and enthusiasm for the South Esk to improve the habitat.

The owner of the lower section of the Lemno Burn is Craigeassie Estate, who have allowed woodland thinning and habitat improvement on the lowest section of the Lemno from the A90 down to the confluence with the South Esk at the Red Brae.

The bank work done during the winter months has left a lot of fallen timber and flood debris in the bed and close to the banks of the Burn. If we had a team of 6 to 10 people clearing and burning this rubbish the result would be a much lower risk of the burn getting clogged up in the next spate.

What we are looking for is a free flowing Lemno Burn in the stretch above the confluence. If the flows were able to dislodge the silt and reintroduce the natural sequence of riffle-pool-riffle, thereby cleaning the gravels and restoring spawning areas and juvenile habitat, we would probably attract up to 100 spawners in that section of the Burn. Let’s say that is 60 hen fish depositing an average of 4,000 fertilised ova, and that 1% of those eggs make it to the sea as smolts. On the basis that 5% of those smolts return to the river that could lead to an extra 120 salmon returning to the South Esk. OK, this is a pretty crude way of predicting improvements, but at least it is something!

If any of my readers are interested in cleaning out the Lemno starting at 1000 on Sunday 1st April, with a BBQ lunch provided and finishing by 1500, please e-mail me at or phone Moray (07835 717 150) or me (07748 634 658) to confirm. You will need wellies or waders and your own choice of tools, although some will be provided. I hope to see some of you on April Fools’ Day, but this is no April Fool!! TA on 12/3/2012

The salmon tracking project starts

Friday, March 9th, 2012

These bulletin blogs represent news about Finavon and the South Esk, and my views as a riparian owner. They are not the views of any other organisation, nor are they designed to promote the interests of any individual or organisation other than Finavon Castle Water and factors affecting the fishery.  Tony Andrews

I met Gordon and Julian, the scientists from the Marine Scotland office in Montrose, at the gate to FCW’s Milton Beat today, where they had been enjoying a day out of the office checking their receivers, replacing batteries etc. Their report to me on progress with the South Esk salmon tracking project was the first bit of output from the project.

Julian Maclean at the Haughs of Finavon with mobile radio tracking receiver for following returning salmon to their preferred spawning locations.

Usan nets now operating: The weather at sea over the last couple of weeks has been variable and some days the sea has been too rough to work the nets. However, catches have been steady, and MSS targets for tagging met. Yesterday (Thursday 8th of March) the Usan nets caught 16 salmon, a mixture of 3SW and 2SW fish. That is a good number to catch in the nets in early March and, although at present we have no idea of where these fish were going, or which river they ‘belong to’, a catch of this size at this time of year may start to give succour to the Pullars, who have long claimed that early spring socks are better than some have recently claimed.

Building the picture, piece by piece:Of course, one day’s catch does not get close to telling the full story, especially about the fragility or otherwise of populations from the different rivers exploited by the net fishery. What it does do however is to tell us that these unattributed multi sea winter (MSW) fish were present in quite respectable numbers very early in the year. One should speculate no further. That is the fact!

First South Esk salmon tracked:But we can go a little further than this because the tracking receiver at Bridge of Dun picked up a signal in the very early hours of Sunday morning showing that a salmon tagged at Usan had entered the South Esk. It was subsequently tracked at the Middle Kinnaird Hut, some two and a half miles upstream, but has not yet been picked up by a receiver upsttream of Kinnaird dyke.

What does this tell us? First, that the tracking methodology and technology works! Secondly, that at least one fish caught in the Usan nets was bound for the South Esk. Thirdly, there are no reports of fish being tracked in the Tay, and none so far on the North Esk.

Whilst we shouldn’t get too excited, I think it is fair to claim that this is a good starter, and that we can anticipate more news on the migration of returning adult salmon to the South Esk (and perhaps elsewhere) over the next few months.

TA 0n 9/3/2012


9/3/2012 I wanted to add a note on another aspect of the way this project is being approached by the MSS team. Julian and Gordon told me about a big fish, almost certainly a 3SW hen salmon, which, after being caught and selected, responded “too quickly” to the anaesthetic they give to every fish before fitting a transmitter. They decided not to radio-tag this salmon because, although it would have been a most interesting fish to track to its spawning location, they felt that the risk of it not surviving was too high. The salmon was therefore returned safely to the sea after recvovering from its anaesthetic.

I very much like this sensitive approach to the tagging task. Both Julian and Gordon are keen to minimise the amount of handling each fish gets as it is anaethetised and then fitted with a radio transmitter (about the size of a gerkin). Rather than risk a fish, however interesting the data it might produce, they are adopting a cautious approach in order to maximise the data set from the project. This I feel is good solid science targeting core data, and deserves our support. TA

12/3/2012 I spoke with Gordon Smith this morning, one of the scientists in the MSS Montrose office. He confirmed that up to now 23 salmon have been tagged, of which about 50% are 3SW and 50% 2SW. Deciding whether thay have been at sea for two or three sea winters is done by reading scales from fish anaesthetised and tagged. Apart fom that analytical tool, the only other sampling is a small, almost untraceable, clip of the trailing edge of the adipose fin taken for DNA analysis. I say “untraceable” because I was curious to know how the MSS scientists would identify salmon already tagged and caught again in the Usan nets. In fact the sharp eyes of a scientist would be able to find any fish that had already been tagged, and thus avoid loading them up with another transmitter!

I asked Gordon how he thought the project is going, to which he said that if they had known in advance that by the 12th of March they would have successfully tagged 23 salmon they would have been well satisfied.

To summarise: one fish tracked into the South Esk as far as Kinnaird. No other fish reported from receivers elsewhere. Gordon and I agreed that until there is some fresh water in the rivers we are unlikely to see much movement upriver. TA on 12/3

First fish of 2012

Monday, March 5th, 2012

These bulletin blogs represent news about Finavon and the South Esk, and my views as a riparian owner. They are not the views of any other organisation, nor are they designed to promote the interests of any individual or organisation other than Finavon Castle Water and factors affecting the fishery.  Tony Andrews

The last time we had a February springer at Finavon was in 2007. They are a rare occurrence because their presence in the middle river depends on an extended period of warm water, by which I mean above 40 F (or about 8C). February in the Angus Hills is often the coldest part of the winter, and that means that water temperatures are generally low and, more often than not, the river frost-bound or running full of grue. Combined with relatively warm water (warmer than the sea is best), a good flow also helps; anything above 1’0″ at Gella Bridge is ideal. On the Finavon webcam that level is shown when the ‘armchair rock’ in the centre of the picture holds back a bulge of water, with the face of the boulder wet from water slopping over it. At that water height fish will be encouraged to move through the system.

Tail of Franks from right bank

 This is the junction of Frank’s Stream with the head of Indies Pool on Indies Beat. It is one of the ‘hot spots’ for salmon and sea trout at Finavon. Indies is a deep holding pool and Frank’s Stream is a streamy run over gravel and cobble, ideal for holding fish in a good water. Both pools always score well in the FCW catch statistics.

7lbs Fish Ready to be Released

7lbs Fish Ready to be Released

2012 has been a good year for well mended kelts. The FCW ghillie, Moray Macfarlane, has had fifteen to his own rod, mainly from Milton Beat. That was also where he caught a well shaped 7lbs spring fish, with a couple of sea lice attached to verify its recent arrival from salt water. The salmon came from the lower section of the Willows, which is a top spring pool, along with Tyndals, Indies and Melgund.

Stop Press. The Usan nets monitoring catches in February were 11 salmon with an average length of about 36″. The early ones were 3SW fish (that’s interesting in itself) and the later ones were 2SW. At the time I spoke with the Montrose team there were no instances in any of the neighbouring rivers or the South Esk of receivers picking up signals from released fish.

TA 5/3/2012