These bulletin blogs represent news about Finavon and the South Esk, and my views as a riparian owner. They are not the views of any other organisation, nor are they designed to promote the interests of any individual or organisation other than Finavon Castle Water and factors affecting the fishery. Tony Andrews
I am flattered and pleased that so many people read these bulletin blogs, and I have been wondering whether there is any way I can use your interest and enthusiasm for the South Esk to improve the habitat.
The owner of the lower section of the Lemno Burn is Craigeassie Estate, who have allowed woodland thinning and habitat improvement on the lowest section of the Lemno from the A90 down to the confluence with the South Esk at the Red Brae.
The bank work done during the winter months has left a lot of fallen timber and flood debris in the bed and close to the banks of the Burn. If we had a team of 6 to 10 people clearing and burning this rubbish the result would be a much lower risk of the burn getting clogged up in the next spate.
What we are looking for is a free flowing Lemno Burn in the stretch above the confluence. If the flows were able to dislodge the silt and reintroduce the natural sequence of riffle-pool-riffle, thereby cleaning the gravels and restoring spawning areas and juvenile habitat, we would probably attract up to 100 spawners in that section of the Burn. Let’s say that is 60 hen fish depositing an average of 4,000 fertilised ova, and that 1% of those eggs make it to the sea as smolts. On the basis that 5% of those smolts return to the river that could lead to an extra 120 salmon returning to the South Esk. OK, this is a pretty crude way of predicting improvements, but at least it is something!
If any of my readers are interested in cleaning out the Lemno starting at 1000 on Sunday 1st April, with a BBQ lunch provided and finishing by 1500, please e-mail me at or phone Moray (07835 717 150) or me (07748 634 658) to confirm. You will need wellies or waders and your own choice of tools, although some will be provided. I hope to see some of you on April Fools’ Day, but this is no April Fool!! TA on 12/3/2012