Nae water, nae fish! (but the opposite is true too)

We had good rain on Tuesday, and the river rose at least 12″ overnight. As always with the South Esk, it came down peaty and unfishable at first. Once the flood had peaked, the river started to clear and we began catching sea trout. Altogether, during Wednesday we had 10 sea trout, with the best of the fishing in the middle of the day. The fish are all in excellent condition and there were some nice three pounders amongst them.

With the river level now dropping, the water clearing and new fish in the pools, we can expect the night fishing for sea trout to pick up. The way things are looking at present I think there is a good chance that 2010 could be the year of major recovery of the South Esk’s renowned sea trout, after too many recent years in the doldrums. It helps that the coastal nets are not selling sea trout this year. Long may that continue!


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