Indies Beat
Indies Beat is the lower of the two Finavon beats, and like Milton, fishes 3 rods comfortably. The upper boundary of Indies beat is the concrete aqueduct footbridge which crosses the river between the tail of Beeches and the Head of Haughs. The lower boundary is the tail of House pool where Finavon Castle Water ends. The water in between these two marks is an interesting mix of deep pots and holding pools with smooth glides and riffles aplenty which fish variably in high or low water as well. The beat is served by the very smartly converted portacabin hut replete with veranda and chimenea which sits on the North bank at Indies pool, and provides a beautiful vista towards the river. Like on Milton beat, there is a composting loo for angler’s use near the hut. The beat is fished from both North and South banks, and there are two crossing points, the first being the aqueduct bridge itself, and the second being the ford across the river at the tail of Indies pool; this ford can only be waded in low water however and no attempt to cross the river here should be made if the water is flowing at moderate or high levels. It is important for anglers at Finavon to note that the bottom section of Indies beat is single bank only. However, we have an arrangement with the proprietors on the other side of the river whereby none of their anglers will fish the single bank section. Therefore, the only thing this means to Finavon’s anglers is that we ask you to fish only from the South bank from the tail of Tollmuir down to House pool and not to cross the river between these points. You will not find other anglers fishing these pools from the North bank.